If I said I knew it all I’d be lying

If I said I know where I’m going, It’ll probably be a bigger lie

I’m completely blind, but your name keeps me going

Your name is the love song that carries me on

My sorrow is much

But I cannot forget you

It’s like your name is the password to my heart
Oh, Yeshua HaMashiach lead me gentle Shepard

For this sheep is blind, lost and weary

Just like Jacob’s stripped sheep, I ascended with the label zebra 

My God, my God, I sing a song to your name in my heart

If you will hear me, don’t leave me alone

Gather me and mine onto yourself
I search for you from dawn till dusk

And the adversary mocks and taunts me, asking; “where is your God” & “there is no God”

My heart is bare before you

I have only you upon my heart and upon my lips

My grief has become grievous because it seems they’ve stolen you from me

Do not delay

Please reveal your truth